
Roth 26mm x 1″ Elbow MI

Roth Alu-LaserPlus� PPSU Press fittings manufactured in Germany for use in heating and hot water installations.


All prices exclude VAT


Press fittings, PPSU (plastic)
� Material: Polyphenylsulphone (PPSU)
� Tension stresses during pressure tests at 23�C: 99 MPa
� Coefficient of linear expansion: 5.6 x 10 – 5 m/mK
� Impact resistance acc. to lzod at 23�C: 694 J/m
� 70�C/10 bar continuous � 95�C/6 bar (max. 100 hours)
� Not resistant to solvents
� Propylene glycol – max. 50%

Roth Alu-LaserPlus� PressCheck is a system where pipes and fittings are combined to form a complete pipe system. Combining other makes with Roth Alu-LaserPlus� PressCheck products is not permitted or covered by the system warranty. Roth PressCheck� fittings are designed to report any leaks from the press ring itself if any item of PPSU or DZR brass fittings is not pressed. Press tools used for the Roth AluLaserPlus� PressCheck system must be calibrated and serviced regularly.