
Roth 16mm x 2.00mm MLCP Pipe 500m

Roth Alu-LaserPlus� pipe system. For domestic water, cooling and heating installations


All prices exclude VAT


Roth Alu-LaserPlus� pipe
Roth Alu-LaserPlus� is a flexible universal tube in dimensions from 16 to 63 mm. You can use the pipe for heating, cooling and domestic water installations. On the Roth Alu-LaserPlus� tubes, the aluminum sheath is welded with laser. The welding method provides a very high precision, which provides a consistent quality. The inner tube is thick-walled and without the aluminum sheath copes with the pressures and temperatures for which the pipe is approved. You assemble the pipes with Roth PressCheck� fittings, which can be supplied in PPSU or brass. PPSU is a strong plastic material that has good properties in terms of strength and service life.

Roth Alu-LaserPlus� is made of an inner tube made of polyethylene. The middle tube is a laser-welded aluminum sheath, which gives the pipe a good dimensional stability and at the same time makes the pipe diffusion-tight. Finally, the outer pipe is made of a protective layer of polyethylene of a light gray color. Roth produces the Roth Alu-LaserPlus� tubes and PPSU fittings at its own factories in Germany. Therefore, you are guaranteed a consistently high quality. Roth PressCheck
� fittings are leaking as long as they are not pressed. This ensures that you do not leave an installation with unpressed fittings.

UV resistance
The plastic components of the Roth Alu-LaserPlus� piping system must be protected from direct UV light and sunlight.

5-layer pipe
With Roth PressCheck�
Laser welded aluminum cap
The most flexible pipes on the market
Maximum operating pressure: 10 bar
Maximum short-term temperature: 95�C
Maximum continuous temperature: 70�C